Invalid column name 'oldid'.
List of steps
(Total number of steps: 71)
Meet IPA
Obtain certified copies of foreign documents  (2)
Obtain consular legalized copies of documents  (3)
Obtain certified translation of documents  (2)
Obtain approval of investment intent  (2)
Obtain authenticated copies for land and infrastructure lease  (2)
Lease infrastructure inside industrial zone  (1)
Obtain authenticated copies for investment certificate application  (2)
Declare investment project information online
Obtain investment registration certificate  (2)
Obtain authenticated copies of IRC  (2)
Obtain Enterprise Registration Certificate (ERC)  (3)
Obtain seal and seal registration certificate  (2)
Obtain certificate of tax registration  (2)
Open bank account  (1)
Publish in newspaper  (1)
Obtain cadastral map of investment site  (3)
Obtain fully-signed cadastral map  (4)
Pay costs for land clearance  (2)
Obtain authenticated copies of cadastral map and certified payment order  (2)
Obtain decision on land recovery and lease  (2)
Attend on-site title plan verification  (1)
Obtain authenticated copies for land lease contract application  (2)
Sign land lease contract  (2)
Obtain authenticated copies of land lease contract  (2)
Obtain land use right certificate  (4)
Obtain approval of environmental impact assessment (EIA) report  (6)
Obtain authenticated copies of land use right certificate, EIA  (2)
Obtain construction design profile  (2)
Obtain appraisal on construction design profile  (2)
Obtain fire prevention and fighting (FPF) profile  (2)
Obtain certificate of fire prevention and fighting approval  (2)
Obtain construction permit  (2)
Make seal and notify seal specimen  (2)
Make seal

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Sign MoU on infrastructure leasing
(last modified: 1/20/2017)

Expected results

MoU on infrastructure leasing_VI x2 MoU on infrastructure leasing_VI
MoU on infrastructure leasing_EN MoU on infrastructure leasing_EN


Natural persons Legal persons
For all cases
1. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Authenticated copy of approval for investment project intent (an authentic copy)
For corporate investors
1. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Certificate of Incorporation (Simple copy)
2. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Proof of quality of the legal representative(s) of corporate investor (Simple copy)
3. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Authenticated copy of passport or Vietnamese ID card of investor's representative
For individual investors
1. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Authenticated copy of passport or Vietnamese ID card of individual investor


Infrastructure rental varies on different price policies of industrial zones and in different times. Please refer to the spreadsheet of infrastructure rental provided by some operating industrial zones at 31 Dec 2013 as attached herein.

Investors are obliged to pay an advance for infrastructure leasing according to the payment progress agreed in the MoU on infrastructure leasing.
Rates for infrastucture leasing Rates for infrastucture leasing

Time frame

Attention at counter: Min. 20mn - Max. 30mn

Additional information

Investors may sign MoU on infrastructure leasing with the State authority as infrastructure developer or as assigned by the provincial People's Committee.
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